Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I thought it would be fun to have an entry about shopping and prices, so here it is!

So, my adventures in the last few days have not summed up to much.  Mostly, just sleep, beach, read, and... SHOPPING! (To the men who might be reading this, you might not want to bother with this entry.  You will probably find it boring.  You've been warned...) 

However, things here are EXTREMELY expensive, so shopping had turned into window shopping.

Until, that is, mother had a wonderful idea- how about used clothing stores? 

She even found a couple online (both just happen to be direct buses from the university...  meant to be!) and off I went!

The first I explored was only 15 minutes away from the University, over in Mercaz Karmel (Karmel Center).  Hopped on the 37 bus and easily found my way into a little store out of the way of the main area of shops and restaurants. 

At first, when you walk in there, it's like... bummer.  But once I started looking, I found some hidden treasures!  (Also, with the help of the really nice pregnant lady who owned the store... she liked dressing me in things... it was fun)  The best find was a great leather bag, which I grabbed for 50 shekels (about $13.50!).  Later, I looked up the brand- it was a very expensive one out of Tel Aviv, and their bags ranged from anywhere between 350 shekels to 1000 (about $110-$270!!!)  Who would have thought?  I left the store 150 shekels down (just about $40...) with some great stuff! (Not in the pics below was just a Tee that I didn't find a need to document it's purchase... just an FYI...)

The leather bag I told you about - 50 Shekels ($13.47)

Earrings -20 Shekels ($5.39)

REAL SILK SCARF!!! - 15 Shekels ($5.39)

Castro blouse - 30 Shekels ($8.08)

Summer/Fall dress - 30 Shekels ($8.08)

So, with my hopes up, today I went in search of the other used clothing store.  It is in an Arab neighborhood (at least I believe it is an Arab neighborhood...) called Hadar.  I wasn't able to find it because as I headed in its direction, I started going around some totally sketchy streets.  So, I backtracked and enjoyed the plentiful, CHEAP stores that line Hertzle Street.  I had figured I wouldn't be buying anything, since stores are so expensive, but stuff there was really cheap!  (and yes, much of the clothing itself was cheap and tacky, but again- had to find the buried treasure!  makes it even more fun!!!)  One of the funnest things that are around that neighborhood are the jewelry stores.  TONS AND TONS of necklaces, charms, rings, hair accessories, bracelets, sunglasses, you name it, AND SO INEXPENSIVE! It was almost difficult to shop in those stores because there was SO MUCH!  Here are the things I came away with from today :) 
You WISH you could pull these off.  ; )  - 20 Shekels ($5.39)

 It was so difficult to chose necklaces!  These ones just stood out the most. 
- 10 Shekels each (one even included matching earrings!) ($2.69)
15 Shekels - ($4.04)

Don't judge a dress by the way it looks crumpled on a tacky lame green bed sheet.
It's really quite something :)
- 20 Shekels ($5.39)

20 Shekels ($5.39)

I'm now getting into a better schedule with my time, so my blog entries will increase (I promise!).  Tomorrow I plan to walk all around campus and get pictures so you can see where I'm living going to classes (or will be...), where I like to hang out, where I have spent countless hours waiting for buses on campus, etc.  So, there's something to look forward to :)

Nighty night.  (It's 2:07 am here.  Figures.)

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