Saturday, October 29, 2011

Update on life! ALSO- GILAD IS FREE!!!!

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written- I've really been busy!

So much to tell about.  A three day hike from the Mediterranean Sea to the Sea of Galilee, roommates (finally), classes (AMAZING professors!), flu running rampant around campus...  where to start?!

Guess I'll start with the hike.

We left October 16th at 6:00am.  We started at the Mediterranean Sea (well, kind of by it... we were close, but not really at the Sea itself) and from the start I managed to be the one that if something in the widlerness wanted to go after, it went after ME.

For example.  I REALLY needed to pee.  So, my friend Rachel and I went ahead of the group to go in a wooded area.  Since I am sooo kind, I let her go first while I watched for people walking by.  Then it was my turn.  And I guess that our spot wasn't hidden too well, according to the aproaching hikers.  Rachel yelled at me to hurry up, so I hurried.

And got caught in a nasty thorn bush.

It wouldn't let go of my leg.  Of course, since I am the kind of person who puts dignity over mere physical pain, I pulled my shorts up the rest of the way instead of getting out of the snare of thorns, which my poor legs would have considered poor prioritizing.  I don't know- take a look at the picture and tell me what you think.
Well, the soldiers hiking by seeing me cussing at a thorn bush trying to zip up my shorts found it entertaining.

It doesn't matter what language you speak- death glares are understandable all over the globe.

So from there we continued, and I'll post the link to the photo album after the rest of the tale of the 3 day hike from hell...  Oh, it was fun, but it actually made me THANKFULL for the boards they call matresses at the dorms.

A few hours later, I got the refreshing chance to fall off a slipery boulder into cold, running mountian water.  Which would have been a really nice experience if it were still August, and I didn't have all of my clothes, sleeping bag, you name it on/in my drenched pack.  And if I didn't smash into other boulders at the same time.  

And if it wasn't 40 something degrees that night, and if my stuff ever dried off...

But who's complaining?!?!?!  We finished for the day about 12 hours after we had started that morning, and I must say that despite being natures pinata for the day, there were incredible sights and experiences in that first day. 

Expecially when we looked out from our campsight and saw that, amazingly, we still had the exact same view of the Mediterranean that we had had 15 hours ealier, just a bit higher up the mountians.

The next day was gonig to be a long one.

Didn't sleep more than 2 or so hours the night before- sleeping on rock beds will do that!

So the second day was at least dry (well, dry-er...) and was fun.

I'm sorry but I'm writting about this almost 3 weeks later, and I don't really remember too much of the details other than the over-whelming relief when we reached the Sea of Galilea.

And just an FYI- the whole walking on water thing?  Yeah.  Nope.  Doens't work.

We tried.

Here is the link to the Yam el Yam photo album on my FB page, and a few of my fav pics that were taken on the trip.

The begining of our trail!

למה לא
(Lama-lo: why not)
With Joe (left) and Daniel (right) in a spring cooling off in the spring (this was after I had already been drenched, so figured why not?)

Nope, not a wolf.  But a beautiful dog anyways!

Sweaty, dirty, face not enjoying the lack of real washing for 3 days, but we made it to the top!

באמת, גיו
(Bay-emet, Joe?: Really, Joe?)
Our own Catholic terrorist.

The infamous thorns.

Border of Israel and Lebanon.

Sea of Galilee!

For more photos:

So the next thing to tell about is the long-awaited emergence of ROOMMATES!

One of them is totally awesome.  We hang out, she's a few years older then me but also working on her second year studying.  In Israel, if you weren't aware, everyone is required to spend about 3 years in the army after they turn 18.  So, they start school a little later.

OH- speaking of soldiers- Gilad Shalit was freed!!!  We heard about it when we were hiking, and said a group prayer for his health and life.  Israel paid 1,027 Arab terrorists for his freedom.  Which means that ONE Israeli soldier is worth ONE THOUSAND AND TWENTY-SEVEN terrorists.  Ha.  He is an amazing person to stay alive in such a situation, and I pray every night for his family and the even tougher years they are going to unfortunatly have dealing with the aftermath of his being a captive for half a decade.  <3 Gilad!  I pray for you!

So anyways, back to my roommate- she's cool.  Yeah.  But the other 3???

Kind of nuts...

It's one thing to be yelled at by people in your own language.  But in one you don't understand?  Score.

The other ones that moved in WERE NOT HAPPY to be moving back into the housing they were in, since they had supposedly been promised different housing for 3rd and 4th year students, and found every reason to take it out on us.  So, we are trying to get them moved out- they aren't complaining- and we are trying to get another one of our Israeli friends moved in.  We will know tomorrow morning if those changes will be made!  Cross your fingers!

What else?

Oh yeah- classes!

I'm of course still taking HEbrew (which I have REALLY started putting in a ton of effort into- I want to learn it! Unlike te Ulpan, I really spend hours a day studying).  We spend 4 mornings a week, monday through thursday, in class for it- 2 hours long, either starting at 8 or 10.

Then, I also take two other classes, which combined with my independent study from UNO, is plenty!  One class is the psych of conflict and resolution, which becuase the schedual and the professor who seems a bit flaky (but brilliant) we've only had one session. But, since you have class once a week for three hours, isn't as bad as it sounds... So, I have very little to report on that class thus far.

But my FAVORITE class I'm taking is Terrorism and Responses! The professor, Eliot Chodoff, is incredible.  He was born in NY and moved to Israel in the 70's I believe and since then has become a leading consultant on terrorism and works in the IDF (Isreali Defence Force) and works also for the FBI, CIA, and others.  He isn't just qualified, though- he is good at presenting what he knows!  Three hours goes by really fast when he is teaching!

So yeah.

And flu.  Got REALLY sick a couple days ago (flu is going around campus) and I've yet to really shake it... 

So not feeling that spectacular, but I guess there are worse things than having a runny nose and head ache!!!!

Hope all is well with you.

Now, since it is 4:15 am, I suppose I should get to sleep- what do you think?

לילה טוב
Good night

Monday, October 10, 2011

The last couple weeks in a nutshell...

I sincerely appologize for the lengthy amount of time it has been since I have put up a blog!
I have so much to say and tell you about, but very little attention span for the night.
So we will see what I cover.

Well, Jerusalem was a BLAST.  I was so impressed with myself- I managed to plan the trip and a hostel and get myself from the university all the way to the hostel (including finding my way through Jerusalem when I arrived there) with NO problems at all.  My Hebrew was good enough to ask for help and kind of (eh...) understand the answers I was given!  I never got on the wrong bus and made it safe and sound all the way to the Heritage Womens Hostel in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City.

I won't go into details about all of my adventures, for there were sooo many.  BUT, included in these was being at the Kotel (Western Wall) for Selichot!  How cool is THAT?!

Here is a link to the photo album on my FB page, which has about 150 pics in it!  (didn't want to upload them all on here...)

So that's that with that, I guess...

New arrivals!!! (If you are a Tim Burton fan, you will understand that reference...)

New people have come to campus, and more are on the way!  Already made new friends, totally enjoying myself and getting to know new people.

Here is the link to my latest album of the happenings in Haifa!

What else?
Oh yes.
Lots of them.
And they ALL love me.
My favorite, little Clip, I am going to attempt to bring home with me at the end of my stay here : )
except, there is a problem...  he must have been talking, because now ALL of the cats on campus (or so it would seem) love me (or love the butter I feed them lol).  I mean, this afternoon a cat found me up at the moadon and FOLLOWED me, meowing the whole time, all the way down 10 flights of stairs to my dorm.  He was literally on my heals the whole way, and wouldn't leave me alone all afternoon.  Of course, that commotion attracted 2 more cats.
I have now named and claimed (hehe) 3 more cats on campus.
Jag, named because of his thick head and jaguar like appearance (check out his BIG green eyes!), Mama, named because she has a sweet kitten running around, and Tuesday, named simply because it seemed to fit him (don't ask me why).
Here is the link to THAT photo album:
Anyways, my classes have started off with a bang!!!
I'm going to have to drop a class (most likely Arab/Israeli relations, chosen becuase I didn't find the professor too interesting...) simply because between the 4 here and the independent study from UNO, I would be taking about 19 or so credits this semester...  took 18 credit semesters both semesters last year, and honestly, when I'm this far away and have other things to worry about and am learning Hebrew, I would rather NOT do that. 
So, I am going to take Terrorism and Responses (LOVE IT), Hebrew (level 3!!!) and Psychology or Conflict and Reconciliation.
My fav so far is DEF Terrorism and Responses.  Our professor is INCREDIBLE.  He is from NY (meaning no difficult, heavy accent to work with...) and works for the FBI, CIA, and the IDF (Israeli Defense Force).  We just had an over-view of the course for the 3 hours of class the first day (except for Hebrew, our classes are once a week and 3 hours long...) but he had my interest the WHOLE time!  Can't wait to continue on after the break for Sukkot!
Haven't had my psych class yet- the first class is tomorrow (was cancelled the first week...) so that is yet to be determined.
Hebrew is going well :)
And yeah.
My attention span has been used up, and I'm ready for a nice shower and sleep with my new EXTRA COMFY big pillow and comforter.  (best purchases since I've come here...  I can now sleep well at night!)
So yeah.
Lila tov!  (good night!)