Monday, October 10, 2011

The last couple weeks in a nutshell...

I sincerely appologize for the lengthy amount of time it has been since I have put up a blog!
I have so much to say and tell you about, but very little attention span for the night.
So we will see what I cover.

Well, Jerusalem was a BLAST.  I was so impressed with myself- I managed to plan the trip and a hostel and get myself from the university all the way to the hostel (including finding my way through Jerusalem when I arrived there) with NO problems at all.  My Hebrew was good enough to ask for help and kind of (eh...) understand the answers I was given!  I never got on the wrong bus and made it safe and sound all the way to the Heritage Womens Hostel in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City.

I won't go into details about all of my adventures, for there were sooo many.  BUT, included in these was being at the Kotel (Western Wall) for Selichot!  How cool is THAT?!

Here is a link to the photo album on my FB page, which has about 150 pics in it!  (didn't want to upload them all on here...)

So that's that with that, I guess...

New arrivals!!! (If you are a Tim Burton fan, you will understand that reference...)

New people have come to campus, and more are on the way!  Already made new friends, totally enjoying myself and getting to know new people.

Here is the link to my latest album of the happenings in Haifa!

What else?
Oh yes.
Lots of them.
And they ALL love me.
My favorite, little Clip, I am going to attempt to bring home with me at the end of my stay here : )
except, there is a problem...  he must have been talking, because now ALL of the cats on campus (or so it would seem) love me (or love the butter I feed them lol).  I mean, this afternoon a cat found me up at the moadon and FOLLOWED me, meowing the whole time, all the way down 10 flights of stairs to my dorm.  He was literally on my heals the whole way, and wouldn't leave me alone all afternoon.  Of course, that commotion attracted 2 more cats.
I have now named and claimed (hehe) 3 more cats on campus.
Jag, named because of his thick head and jaguar like appearance (check out his BIG green eyes!), Mama, named because she has a sweet kitten running around, and Tuesday, named simply because it seemed to fit him (don't ask me why).
Here is the link to THAT photo album:
Anyways, my classes have started off with a bang!!!
I'm going to have to drop a class (most likely Arab/Israeli relations, chosen becuase I didn't find the professor too interesting...) simply because between the 4 here and the independent study from UNO, I would be taking about 19 or so credits this semester...  took 18 credit semesters both semesters last year, and honestly, when I'm this far away and have other things to worry about and am learning Hebrew, I would rather NOT do that. 
So, I am going to take Terrorism and Responses (LOVE IT), Hebrew (level 3!!!) and Psychology or Conflict and Reconciliation.
My fav so far is DEF Terrorism and Responses.  Our professor is INCREDIBLE.  He is from NY (meaning no difficult, heavy accent to work with...) and works for the FBI, CIA, and the IDF (Israeli Defense Force).  We just had an over-view of the course for the 3 hours of class the first day (except for Hebrew, our classes are once a week and 3 hours long...) but he had my interest the WHOLE time!  Can't wait to continue on after the break for Sukkot!
Haven't had my psych class yet- the first class is tomorrow (was cancelled the first week...) so that is yet to be determined.
Hebrew is going well :)
And yeah.
My attention span has been used up, and I'm ready for a nice shower and sleep with my new EXTRA COMFY big pillow and comforter.  (best purchases since I've come here...  I can now sleep well at night!)
So yeah.
Lila tov!  (good night!)

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