Wednesday, August 3, 2011

peanut butter

So, things are still going just fine; but the heat?
Having a hard time with that.
Yesterday, for I am writing this at 6:20 am and NOT the time that it says it's being published, a friend and I ventured out into the city by bus.  Found a shopping center and stocked up on a few things; I was lucky enough to find a fan.
I was actually able to call my room a sauna instead of an oven last night, meaning I could actually sleep.
I hope I get used to this heat sometime soon. 

Just a side note- I was also thrilled to find that they have skippy peanut butter here.
My life just got a little bit easier.

Also, orientation was last night.  They had an Israeli band perform for us, and I hope there aren't any copyright issues here for videotaping and sharing (I'm pretty sure suing everyone for anything is mostly just an American custom... but what do I know...) 

Unfortunatly, I have experienced difficulties while uploading the video.
I will try to re-post it again later!

They also did a wonderful Israeli version of 'Let it Be'.

After that, we had a 2 hour Israeli folk dance lesson.

That was...  interesting.  We will just leave it at that.  Interesting and fun.

Well, I feel that that's enough for this morning.  Gotta go eat some skippy peanut butter.

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