Monday, August 8, 2011

Ivan is coming for you in the night...

So, as I sit listening to Pitbull and reflect on my day at 2 in the morning (still getting over the jet lag...), I cannot help but laugh.

I got switched to a different Hebrew teacher when they split up the beginner classes to even out the numbers, and I must say, this teacher is a much better fit!  Actual vocab lists, lessons on how to read Hebrew without the vowels, yeah.  I learned more in today's class than I have in the last week!  Not to mention I got a tutor, and I started to slightly catch on!  Score!  Feeling a bit triumphant :)

So, now I can write about the FUN stuff.

Like how two friends and I decided to venture to the Grand Canyon (a HUGE mall in Haifa; totally unrelated to the Grand Canyon in the USA).  Which, while there, I was shown some amazing European stores by previously mentioned friends and had a great time (not to mention I somehow managed to find Bullet for My Valentine guitar pick earrings, which makes me feel a bit better since I'll be missing them at River Riot in September...  who would have thought they would be popular here?!). 

Well, anyways, we managed to hop on the wrong bus back to the University.  And ended up in a less than fun looking, crowded, large bus area.  Where we just managed to board a direct bus to the University.  So, we thought, just maybe this would be a quick drive since it is only about 15 to 20 minutes from the school.  


The poor bus, as we put it, was equivalent to an over-weight child running with the football team.  The poor thing just didn't seem able to make the journey up the mountain, or at least at a desirable rate.

It took us almost 45 minutes because it was going so slow.

Meanwhile, we thought it was the funniest thing we had ever experienced.

The Israelis thought we were nuts.

So, later that night, Camilla and I decided to give doing laundry a try.  

Take 1:  Combine our clothes into a single load to save on laundry tokens.  We leave to go to a small party at the moadon.  Come back.
Realize we forgot detergent.

Take 2:  I don't particularly care at this point if I use detergent or not, so I proceed to stuff my clothes into the dryer.  Camilla cares a bit more, so returns to her room to retrieve said soap and tries again.
And doesn't manage to close the washer drawer very well.  It is a side-load washer.
Meanwhile, I has been adding a new coat of nail polish waiting for her to finish and my clothes to dry.
Water begins to flood from the washer.
A LOT of water.
Camilla can't get the washer to close, so I, with wet nails, manage it.
And smear black polish on my hands.

Finally, our clothes are considered clean after trying for a couple hours (Thankfully there was a nice party going on that provided entertainment in between tries...)

But that is not all.

We also found out there are HUGE cockroaches here.  

When we were walking up the stairs after take 2 and my clothes were in the dryer, I noticed all these squashed monster bugs all over the stairs.

I found out Camilla has a phobia of cockroaches.  

She starts to scream, and I have to hold her hand to help her get up the stairs.  (This being only a few hours after finding a MONSTER SPIDER in the stairwell about the size of my hand, striped white and black, whom we named Ivan and discovered that I have a supernatural mind-link with)

So we board the elevator, ready to return to our other friends, the fiasco over.

The elevator doors close.

The lights go out.

We scream, and press random buttons of floors and manage to make it out alive somehow.

To calm down the night, we returned to my dorm (which we are pretty sure is haunted...) to enjoy the light humor of Little Nicky.  

Just for your enjoyment, I attached a photo of Ivan.

And the other photos are of the Israelis we saw at the beach the other day.  NUTS.  CRAZY.   
You don't see stuff like that on the beaches in the states, at least that I know of.

Well, I'm off to get some sleep.

Good night!


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